Tuesday, October 31, 2006

CBS Evening News to feature Campus Crusade

{UPDATED 11/2/06} CBS Evening News With Katie Couric Will Feature Campus Crusade

The CBS film crew just finished shooting at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The crew was on site for a story about the increased spiritual interest of college students and their involvement with Christian groups.

The feature was scheduled to run on November 1 on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. It's been rescheduled for sometime the week of November 6.

CBS shot the entire University of Wisconsin weekly meeting with footage of students streaming in. They also filmed an entire freshmen girls' dorm Bible study.

Two students were interviewed sharing how they left the party scene when their lives were changed by Jesus. Now they are leading Bible studies.

Find out the time it airs where you live.

(Information courtesy of the Campus Crusade Staff Web)

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