Thursday, November 06, 2014

Raising Up Laborers

Volume 8 - Issue 6
Raising Up Laborers

At the end of September I (Leslie) had the opportunity to be a Ministry Partner Development Trainer Coach at Cru’s new staff follow-up conference in MI (see photo on rt.). Those 3 days/ 72 hours were packed as I met one on one with new staff and led a small group of single women (see photo at bottom).

Sitting at the back of the room with other trainers during one session, I marveled at watching these 60+ new staff being raised up to go out into the world to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through their prospective ministries within Cru. The thought came to my mind “I love my job!” Little did I know what else the Lord had in store for me. Due to circumstances and having met with Chelsey at the follow up conference I have started coaching her regularly. (See photo below.) Chelsey has interned for 2 years with GAiN and now has joined staff with Cru. GAiN is a ministry of Cru that focuses on humanitarian needs. Upon reporting to her assignment, Chelsey’s role will be to assist with GAiN’s Food Program and devote time to equipping partners around the world to use food and agriculture to meet the needs of people around them and help to accelerate their ministry, all the while sharing the Gospel message.

Weekly coaching calls can vary from call to call but usually consist of 1hr or more talking on the phone regularly. Things I may cover during our calls: prayer, speaking Truth and Scripture, giving assignments, refining presentation skills and discussing their progress and challenges. The end goal is that they report fully funded to their assignment as quickly as possible. What a privilege and high calling to coach new staff as they trust God for His provision through His People to accomplish His mission.

{The group of women Leslie led in a small group during the conference. Chelsey, the new staff gal Leslie has started coaching is third in from the rt.}

Praise & Prayer:
  • Wisdom and discernment as we increase the scope of our ministry with Cru.
  • Opportunities to share with others our calling in ministry.
  • The Lord’s strength and steadfastness as we navigate a demanding season.
  • Praise for quality family time.

This week I received word that Renae, one of the gals I worked with at the conference can NOW report to her assignment with Inner City in Minneapolis ministering to the poor. She completed raising 100% of her support.