Monday, December 25, 2023

The bad & good news of Christmas.


Jesus’s birth is both the worst and the best news ever and understanding both will change your life forever. Only when you accept the very, very bad news of Jesus’s birth will you then be excited about its very, very good news (Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp). 
The bad news of the Christmas story is human beings are born flawed, desperate condition and deluded, thanks to sin. The good news is God has a solution for man’s sin thus restoring relationship with God.  He sent His son, Jesus, an infant born to offer humanity the solution for the brokenness of sin. 
Tripp adds, Confessing our brokenness is the only way we will ever fully understand and celebrate the birth of the Messiah, Jesus. The Christmas story is not intended to teach you a bunch of moral lessons that require no history to be helpful.  The Christmas story is about a God of glorious grace on the march, invading human history with the grace of redemption.
In life and death, man has one hope, a sinless person, that is the glorious gift of Jesus.  This Christmas may you see with clear eyes the good news -- hope lay in a manager, the birth of a Savior.