Friday, February 22, 2013


Volume 8 Issue 1


Benjamin makes a good recruiter while 
attracting students at conferences.
What is Keynote?”  Mike has answered this question MANY times over the past couple of months. He’s been traveling around recruiting at conferences and campuses sharing with college students about our needs at Keynote and how they can be involved.  His first trip was to Providence, RI in Nov. for Cru’s Northeast Region Preview Weekend.   In Jan. he went to Albany, NY for the Epicenter Winter Conference. It was great to gather with students and have an opportunity to dialogue with them about how they could be used by God in full-time ministry.

Early February Mike attended a ministry fair at Anderson University.  He was able to meet with a few students and connect with a professor about involving students with our digital tools at Keynote.  This past weekend we as a family attended an Every Student Sent Conference for Cru’s Great Lakes Region. (see photo on rt.)  This particular conference is geared to challenging college Juniors and Seniors to pursue ministry opportunities after college.  When I (Leslie) was a college student over a decade ago I too attended this conference.  It brought back memories!  As I stood there in the room with 300+ college students, I was overwhelmed at the thought of how these students over 10 years ago were grade school age. It’s so encouraging to see young men and women choosing to follow after the Lord and raised up to serve Him and bring Him Glory.

This past week I had the opportunity to interview a young married couple applying for Cru staff.  As we sat in the interview room I was enamored by their passion for those that haven’t heard the gospel overseas.

March is also the deadline for intern applications.  As I evaluate them, please pray for discernment and wisdom in my recommendations.

Please pray that God will continue to raise up laborers that can serve here at Keynote and fill our great needs!

With a new year comes new resolutions, planning, goal setting…One thing that I (Leslie) have been doing is reflecting a lot.  That includes the good and bad, seasons/stages of life, ministry happenings and opportunities.  This year (May/June 2013) students I had as third graders-9 years ago/ in the fall of 2003- spring of 2004 -will graduate from high school.  Now in my mid 30’s -married to a wonderful Godly man and a toddling toddler hanging onto my leg- life is brimming full of reminders, memories, and a journey of following Jesus.

Benjamin looks through the binder of 
previous ministry newsletters written 
by his mommy and daddy.  NOTE: He 
can’t read yet ,but SURE DOES enjoy 
looking at books and pictures!

Recently I was looking back through the binder of previous ministry (L&M Monthly) newsletters.  (Benjamin decided to look at them too.  See photo to right) I’m in awe of not only how God has transformed my life but how He continues to grow me in my daily walk with Him!

Reflecting...God’s plan... World

In the department of Leadership Development and Human Resources (LD/HR):  we see new staff raising their initial support, assign staff with their official ministry assignment, present opportunities for spiritual growth and training of our staff….

I honestly believe Mike and I are privileged in our current ministry roles.  As you can imagine, as in any organization, Human Resources has many facets- unseen details that employees may not be privy to or aware of.    I’m in awe of my various ministry experiences I’ve been blessed with over the years -teaching at a Christian school, internship with one-on-one discipleship ministry of Cru, joining staff, to now serving in the a great fitting role!    Even as a mom I get the privilege of serving other women in our church through various ministries (Tues. am Bible study, MOPs, AWANA).  I see firsthand other’s needs for eternal hope, a need for hearing and speaking truth, as well as where one’s true identity comes from, God.  In Human Resources we interact with people…What an honor to build into our staff and equip them to be more effective in ministry.

Praises & Prayer:
· A hectic month ahead– traveling for the ministry and personal.  Praise: opportunities to travel as a family.
· The 5 potential interns applying for this coming year.  Wisdom and discernment in evaluating their applications.
· Preparation and planning for the summer months. 
· Praise: the awesome team we have the privilege of serving with.

As Tim Keller explains it, the gospel isn’t simply the ABC’s of Christianity, but the A-though-Z.  In other words, once God rescues sinners, his plan isn’t to steer them beyond the gospel, but to move them more deeply into it…the gospel doesn’t just ignite the Christian life but it’s also the fuel that keeps Christians going and growing every day.
 -Tullian Tchividjan, pastor and a grandson of Billy Graham.