Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Snapshots of Summer Project

Volume 5, Issue 6

Snapshots of Summer Project

What is Summer Project you ask?
Every summer, college students involved in Campus Crusade from around the United States go to a specific city for 7 weeks with the intention of sharing the Gospel in that area. Keynote is one of many Summer Project sites of Campus Crusade. This year we have 25 students + 13 Impact summer project students. We combine all the students and our staff to form bands. These 5 bands will then go out on a 2-3 week tour in early July to do outreach all over the US by giving evan gelistic concerts. (On right) Our Keynote project staff pose for a group shot dur ing staff prep week prior to the students arrival.

Mike has the responsibility of coordinating and implementing the recent newly created intern training. The 2 week training includes classes on how to raise support, evangelism, commu nication drills and ministry basics. Kate (photo on left) just completed the training a week ago prior to returning to her home in Wisconsin to raise her support. Mike will be coaching her via phone.

Leslie has been enjoying and is blessed in her role- “I’m in my element”! Prepping materials for the classes, coordinating and planning meals, serving behind the scenes and taping students’ communication drills.

Another, highlight has been when Leslie had the opportunity to personally meet one of the Impact interns whom she recently evaluated her application. KB and Leslie smile as they rejoice in her acceptance to the ministry.(See photo on right.)

Last week the students spent the afternoon in band rehearsals after the morning classes and communication drills. This week will be in all day rehearsals. (See photo on left)

On Friday nights during summer project Keynote hosts a Coffee House. This is an event where one of our artists performs and we strategically open it up to the com munity.

It provides a snapshot of what Keynote does throughout the year. Last Friday at the coffee house, a Keynote band-Blue sky Nine performed the concert and it was webcast!

The following week David Pendleton, Keynote’s Ventriloquist, performed. (see photo on right)

The days are long sometimes 10 or 12 hours. But by the time we lay our heads down on our pillows at night we know that the small things we do matter to God and have purpose in building into these summer project students. What we do behind the scenes God sees and knows.

THANK YOU FOR HELPING TAKE THE GOSPEL to ministry bases, prisons and other strategic places through these summer project students!

Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for Mike and Leslie to have connection time as a couple in the midst of our hectic schedules.
  • Praise and Prayer: God has blessed us with an opportunity to mentor a couple in our ministry preparing for marriage as they got engaged in early June.
  • Upcoming band tours: July 7th-26th (details to be solidified, safety, students hearts to be humble and receptive to God’s Holy Spirit.)

Monday, June 07, 2010

Standing Stones: What God has done!

Volume 5, Issue 5
Standing Stones: What God has done

Have you ever sat for a minute to reminisce and recall good things, praises? Does it make you smile?

In a recent Keynote family staff meeting we had a “praise party” giving thanks and praise to the Lord for what he had done in and through the ministry — standing stones if you will.
We wanted to share with you, celebrating what God has done so far in 2010!

Blue sky nine (band)
Some exciting new partnerships involving prison and military ministries (and continued momentum in existing ones).

Fund Development
At our annual Golf challenge on May 24th, WQME 98.7. a local Christian radio station broadcasted live (see photos). Praise God for local publicity. Already we’ve had people call in to express their interest in Keynote and or desire to help.
The Lord raised up $67,000 for Keynote’s operating expenses through this fundraiser.

International opportunities
Increasing influence in Central America (Panama, Jamaica, Guatemala)
New opportunities out of the Campus Ministry conference we attended in January—Training in Hungary (August), BSN tour in Romania (October).

Keynote Performing Artists

In the last few months, we have developed a great relationship with an Army chaplain who wants to be our advocate and promote Keynote to all the Army chaplains in the U.S.
We’ve developed a great relationship with Prison Fellowship; they have been helping us network and partner with many prisons across the country.

David Pendleton (Ventriloquist/Comedian)
20 out of 28 concerts this year have specifically been Outreach events to non-Christians (this is significant because much of David's ministry in the past has been with church audiences)
Working on documentary with Bill Glass Prison Ministry and Keynote

Booking concerts and events
Summer Project (sp) band bookings –there are 3 partnerships that we have pursued and booked our sp bands - 20 prisons, 4 military bases, 4 Summer Projects; Praise God everything came together fast! We’re nearly at our goal of 48 concerts booked by May 31.
We’re excited about the increased partnerships with Campus Crusade Christmas Conference – getting to lead worship, being asked to come and help/serve with our expertise, etc.

New Media Labs
In process to release an iphone app with evangelistic tools. (4 Laws, Spirit Filled Life...)

Prayer Requests:

  • Strength, peace and mental rest in the Lord as we head into the busiest season of our ministry (Summer Project).
  • God’s plans to prosper in the midst of so many events, planning, and details going on this summer.
  • Our staff and students lives would grow in the depth of their relationship with the Lord this summer more than we can imagine. He would surprise us!