Thursday, September 01, 2022


Picture of the entry of The Milwaukee Center

It’s been a whirlwind summer! Here’s the recap and welcomed update. June 29th through July 28th was a month long road trip that included OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, OH (in that order). We visited both of our parents, our kid's cousins, and a handful of close friends and ministry partners. Yes, a whirlwind, but the hours in their company were sweet!

July 15th - 24th Milwaukee, WI -Cru staff conference.
Cru Staff Conference Highlights:
Picture of Jared, Leslie, and Nic

*One evening during staff conference our family walked to a local deli and behind us two familiar faces entered as well. I (Leslie) coached Jared and Nic when they raised their initial support. It’s incredible to see the growth and fruit in these guys lives as I had the honor to walk with them through their application process, joining Cru, getting engaged, newlyweds, starting their families in a matter of two years. After grabbing a table together and catching up a bit, I asked them to share a highlight from this past year in their ministry. Both verbalized the various opportunities to meet with a variety of athletes on their assigned campuses. Jared and Nic in their 30s with growing families glowed as they added they are moving closer to campus so that their young families can be more involved with athletes. Jared is TALL– a former basketball player stands 7’ 2” tall. Jared and Nic both serve in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
Picture of the Cru22 Production Team Picture of the room we facilitated for parents of infant children
LABORED Our staff conference behind the scenes role was a privilege to care for families of infants as they participated in the General Sessions. The prayer requests we received from the drop box were deep and vulnerable. (photo above on left is of the production team we served on. Above on right is one of the rooms we oversaw.)

Steve Sellers, Cru President speaks to our staff at Cru22

*Hearing from the leaders in our organization preach and teach the Gospel (humility, forgiveness, heart for loving the lost, planting Gospel Seeds). The foundation of our ministry (WINing people to Christ. BUILDing them up in their faith. SENDing them out to the world! (photo on above left, Cru President Steve Sellars addressing our staff. Photo above on right– Ukraine leaders sharing stories how God is at work.)

*The experience of 5,000 Cru staff sitting together in the University of Wisconsin Panther Arena worshiping God - singing songs, praising God, praying collectively. It has been 3 years (2019) since we last gathered for our biennial staff conference. A LOT has taken place since then! (photos above)

Adam Young with Leslie and Mike

*Two seminars offered focused on mental health. (our department-Staff Care pushed for this opportunity to be offered to staff) Mike and I got to personally meet one of the speakers, Adam Young, from a session on mental health. We have learned a lot from listening to his podcast “The Place We Find Ourselves”.

Another story of LABOR is very close to our family. An unexpected text from one of our son’s birth mom that came during the Cru Staff Conference. She asked Leslie to be her “support person” in the operating room for her child’s birth in Ohio. God completely orchestrated the timing and details for this to come to fruition. We praise God for this gift and open relationship we have with her. Pray for this birth mom as we continue to plant Gospel seeds and seek to minister to her. We know not every adopted child can have a relationship with their birth parent.

He lets us share in His exciting purposes of reaching the world for Christ, as well as building up and servicing His people.-Ruth Myers, The Satisfied Heart.

LIVING During a conversation with new Cru staff I (Leslie) coached years ago, they asked us to share a highlight from this past year. Mike was quick to reply with “Our move to Orlando has opened doors for more relationships with those who don’t know
Jesus personally.“

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