Friday, May 07, 2021

But God...

In our last newsletter, we shared with you some of the hardships that we have faced. In the midst of that, we have clung to these two words “But God”. It is used in 47 verses in the ESV and the concept of but God is in around 100 verses.

Maybe you are like us in wanting to see a “but God” moment in your life. God is at work in each of our lives, yet at times we don’t understand what He is doing. I (Mike) have seen that time and time again in my life and know that because God doesn’t change, I can have confidence in times of trouble. 

Years ago, when I worked at a Christian children’s camp, we sang a song that used the words of John 16:33. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus says this to his disciples as he understands the coming difficulties they will face as He will be crucified. While my circumstances are nothing in comparison, it is still true that Jesus has overcome the world.

Our BUT GOD moment we are about to embark on.

We have accepted God’s call to continue serving and ministering at the International Headquarters of Cru. This will allow our gifts to be utilized in a way that is leveraged across the entirety of Cru impacting 9,000 stateside and overseas

staff and volunteers. The scope is vast!

Mike is going to remain in the US Staff Care department doing special projects. Right now, Mike is leading a project to create building blocks of curriculum to engage our staff in personal character growth. All too often we see believers and people in ministry failing to live up to Biblical standards. This curriculum will be targeted at engaging our staff to keep growing so that significant failures which would require them to leave ministry won’t happen. For those in ministry, it is particularly devastating if they do not maintain a focus on their own spiritual

condition and character growth. 

Leslie has accepted a role to use her experience as a Ministry Partner Development (MPD) Coach in the program (Lake Hart STINT) that we have participated this past year. As the MPD Coordinator for Lake Hart STINT, some of the privileges she’ll have are resourcing and coaching the staff in the program with tools so that they will not be hindered by their finances during their transition. Thus, encouraging and equipping them to be fully funded and financially free to pursue their new ministry assignments be it internationally or stateside. It’s exciting to mobilize laborers for the Kingdom so that MANY more will come to know Jesus!

AND we believe this permanent move from Ohio to Florida we will thrive in continuing to serve the Lord and thrive as a whole family.

Prayer Requests:

1) Pray for temporary housing in Orlando June 12—July 2.

2) Pray for provision for moving our belongings from Ohio to Florida.

Special Prayer Email Group:

We are gathering interested people to join a prayer team expressly for our transition to Florida.  Use the checkbox "Florida Transition Prayer" at this link:

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