Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Greeting and Photo Card

As Christmas approaches, it conjures up a myriad of emotions.  For me, the hustle, bustle, externals and present challenges cloud my thoughts this season.  Yet, I desire to soak in the fundamental meaning to this season.  In reading a devotional about The Heart of Christmas, I was struck afresh with the teaching in Matthew chapter two about the wise men following the star.  The story -- the three wise men followed a star that led them to Jesus.  This baby was one who would change the world forever.  There wasn’t a palace for this future king to be born in, rather a manger.  Imagine the three wise men’s expectations upon finding this prophesied child.  

Author, John Maxwell, writes his excerpt in On This Holy Night; “Every one of us has had times in life when we’ve followed a star.  Everything looked so promising, but we were to find out at the end that we were in a stable… Sometimes when you follow the star it doesn’t lead you where you want to go… Strong Christians see God in both the good and the bad.  The mature believer sees God not only in pleasures and palaces but also in the barnyards and stables of life.”

I know 2024 has been trifling for some, others faced loss of hopes and dreams or even loss of a family member. While others still may have had a jubilant year.

My prayer is that you can cling to the fact “God is somewhere in this.”  Even when we don’t have answers to our “whys”, in faith, an act of obedience we declare His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).  Like the wise men thousands of years ago on that dark night, followed the star that led to a baby -- the Future Savior of the World, a humbling experience that no doubt changed their lives.

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