Lately, I (Leslie) have been mulling over the word “remember”. Many instances, not only in our lives but in ministry as well have caused me to ponder “remembering”.
- When I’m overwhelmed by the mountain of home and ministry responsibilities, I pause and remember to cast my cares unto Him. Take a deep breath. Ask for help. Admit I can’t do it all.
- Challenging staff to remember their call (the why they do ministry) to ministry as they prepare to engage with potential ministry partners.
- While waiting for a major decision to be made, I have a choice to “worship” while I wait and not be anxious. Remembering, how God gone before me and already knows what lies ahead.
- When Scripture is filled with “recall to mind, remember”. The concept of “Think about my thinking.” The act of remember is ushering me back to my foundation, which is Christ.
One of the privileges of working at the Cru Headquarters is the opportunity to remember the staff who have come before us. On days that can be hard, Mike will often walk out to the Legacy Wall of Remembrance. There are plaques of the names of staff who served 40 years, or those who passed away after 25 years of service. It reminds Mike of the shoulders of those he stands upon as he does the work of engaging in Staff Care.
God commanded the Israelites to remember with standing stones. It was a way to remember what God had done. We often think of the standing stones in our lives of what God has done and are reminded of his immense love for us. Our standing stones include many of you – those that partner with us in financial support and prayer. We praise God for each one of you that partners with us so that the Gospel is not just remembered, but professed and shared with those who do not have a personal relationship with Christ.
Favorite passages in the Bible about Remember:
- Genesis 9:16 (rainbows)
- Deuteronomy 8: 2-3 (when in wilderness)
- Psalm 77:11 (miracles)
- Acts 20:35 (giving)
- Ephesians 1:16 (give thanks for people)
- Philippians 4:8 (thinking)
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