Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Why Behind It

One of the first assignments our new missionary staff are tasked with (even before they arrive at new staff orientation) is writing what our ministry refers to as a, “calling testimony.” I asked over a dozen new staff to share with me a snapshot of their calling testimony. It is essential for our new staff to process and articulate their calling to full time ministry. Without the “why” the enemy will seek to derail, discourage, deter them when the “rough” times comes to finally throw in the towel- ultimately defeated by the enemy equaling one less full time laborer for the plentiful Harvest.

My life was radically changed by Jesus through Cru while in college. A couple of years later, I was presented a need from Athletes in Action and knew God was calling us to fill that need with our talents. The vision and mission of Athletes in Action (as well as Cru) was something I wanted to be a part of. Being a part of building spiritual movements everywhere through the platform of sport by winning, building, and sending is something I can't apply a monetary value. –Kyle Holmstrom (AIA HQ’s –Sports Complex)

I joined staff with AIA after seeing the power of sport connecting to the gospel while serving overseas. The ball breaks down barriers which otherwise would remain. What better way to use the opportunities it opens up than to share the gospel? A 'profitable job' is really in how you look at what that means. I'd say being a vessel of God to save the souls' of people is the most profitable a job can be. - Pittman Kutchers (AIA Campus in NC)

I joined staff with Cru because I felt the Lord calling me to be a spiritual resource that I did not have when I was a student athlete at the University of North Texas 25 years ago. The reason I want to be a part of Athletes in Action is to be the resource that I did not have. I would have given anything if someone had shown up at a team meeting and extended an invitation for Bible Study and discipleship. God was faithful to provide for me, but my life would have been so different had I had the opportunity to grow in my relationship with Him much earlier though a ministry like Athletes in Action. Many Godly people have poured into me and I wanted to now be able to encourage others with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We gave up a profitable job in the marketplace to go serve the Lord with Athletes in Action. The Lord was so faithful to provide the financial support that we needed and taught us so many valuable lessons during our journey of raising support. - Carmen McWhorter (AIA Campus in Texas)

I can't explain it! God did something in my heart. He brought me to a place where all the things that I thought were important and pursued were no longer important. He made me realized that only what I do for the Kingdom of God would last. It certainly makes no sense in the natural at this point in my life, but the peace that He's given me in this transition and for the future is unexplainable. As I key this I think of the scripture in Matthew 6 about seeking first Him kingdom - I know 4that He has me and all I want to do is be in the center of His will. –Mel/Cherie Jones (AIA Campus in Minnesota)

People are living life apart from the gospel. Because of your faithful prayers and partnership we have the privilege of mobilizing and equipping laborers to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ so there is a Christ follower on every team, in every sport, in every nation.

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us, so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations” (Psalm 67:1-2).

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14).

For prayer requests and a photo of our most recent family photo (including a new foster son) please comment on this post and we will email you a copy.

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