Last week, I (Leslie) gave a message in front of 30 Cru staff who are presently in the same Leadership Development program Mike and I participated in last year here at Cru Headquarters in Orlando. As I was preparing for this, I prayed and ask the Lord for wisdom on what to speak about. I find it fitting He impressed on me to remind others of His Faithfulness, to Remember and Trust Him. Perhaps you would be encouraged as well. Here are some snippets from my talk:
It has taken me decades to trust His Goodness and to be reminded of His faithfulness while I am still in the hard, times being content when I can’t see. Let’s take a peek at the word faithfulness; the Hebrew word ה מוּ (emunah), Strong’s Concordance translates the use of “faithfulness” to mean “steadfastness, firmness, fidelity” -- an attribute of Jesus Christ as “Faithful” which communicates His trustworthiness, dependability, loyalty, security.
There are many places in scripture we see the faithfulness of God. One of my favorites: Is Lamentations: 3:20-24.
I’ve seen the Faithfulness of God when: My family and I arrived in July 2020 at Cru’s Leadership and Development Program (Lake Hart Stint- 10 month program) with my mind dead set: “we are returning to Ohio.” I vocalized to my life coach valid reasons for our return. Suffice it to say, my heals were dug in. I was insistent on “my PLAN.” Then, last March, the Lord, began to redirect my heart through a few key events. Those significant moments scared me to death yet were thrilling at the same time. There’s a book that captures this sentiment, “God Has Never Failed Me, but He’s Sure Scared Me To Death A Few Times.” Today, I stand before you as a testimony of what He can do when one is surrendered to His Will. Willing to say Yes, Lord, You do want us to move despite my emotions, fears, circumstance-By FAITH.” It means letting go of what is comfortable/ stable. It means trusting Him when I cannot see. Walking by faith is what we are ushered into and urged to do, so He is glorified.
How have you seen God’s faithfulness in your life?
When we remember what God has done for us, it can help chisel away at the anxiety, enable us to embrace trusting Him for the future. In Deut. 8:2-3 we read an instance where God commanded the Israelites to “remember.”
I’ve been mediating on Prov. 3:5-6. You know this beloved scripture: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight. Recently, I found a different translation than what I memorized. 1 word change hit me like a tornado: take out the word “acknowledge” and insert “SUBMIT” (NIV). Submit to Him, "all my ways”!
God didn’t plan for us to be in control. When I submitted to God’s plan in having us move permanently to Orlando, there was this “peace that surpasses all comprehension”. (Granted, grief still came and does exist.) As a result this “stepping out in faith move” the ministry opportunities are greater as well as increased impact for His kingdom! Choosing to hand over those circumstances that feel impossibly hard is difficult, but I urge you to submit to Him today!
GOD is Faithful.
God is Faithful to me.
God is Faithful at being God.
Do you believe that? Truly believe?
When my husband and oldest son and I lived in Indianapolis, our pastor constantly said this: “Keep me trusting in the One who keeps me trusting.” I LOVE THAT! Remembering the track record of God’s faithfulness to us and the many ways He has answered and provided gives us courage to SUBMIT to HIM.
PS. Cru has produced a daily devotional for the Lent season (March 2 - April 18). If you would like to receive it either as a daily email or as a PDF download, you may sign up for it here: