Monday, May 27, 2019

Faith and Football

What does the most climatic sporting event of the year have in common with AIA? That most anticipated Sunday night televised game- the Super Bowl. A platform to share the Gospel! Did you know just less than 24 hours prior is an NFL sanctioned event-

Super Bowl Breakfast which is hosted/sponsored by AIA! This year’s recipient of the Bart Starr Award (note link at the end for a tribute to Bart who passed away yesterday, May 26, 2019) went to Calais Campbell. This player is supported and poured into by one of AIA’s NFL Chaplains, Maurice Williams. Even more exciting is this is Maurice and Reulonda’s initial year with the Jacksonville Jaguars. As a former player for the Jaguars, he could be relaxing in retirement but chose to re-enter the league as a powerhouse chaplain. Leslie has had the privilege of equipping and mobilizing (MPD Coaching) this couple this past year. Here is Maurice’s recap of this season.

There were so many highlights for our season, one of which being our weekly Bible study. We coined our study, “Squad Night”, and it was comprised of a mixture of couples and singles. Our attendees came up with the topics, and the two of us would search God’s Word and pray for wisdom on how to handle the subjects. It was a blessing just to minister from a place we had been not too long ago. Our last Squad night we had local worship artists come in to lead us in worship in our home.
Our guest speakers and chapels were all on point as each person brought their best each week. We actually started having Church as the season progressed. While in London (UK), we were blessed to be connected with a local church, and they sent two young worship artists to lead us in worship. The presence of God was tangible in the room; it was awesome to experience.
This season we were stretched, challenged, and ultimately grateful as God chose us to minister to a team that is young and open to God. Our prayer sessions before games were special as I was able to lead them weekly in prayer for protection, blessing, and a reminder to honor Christ with our platforms. No man or coach is perfect, but I was blessed to see the entire team weekly line up for prayer as we thanked Jesus for the opportunity to play this game. This is just the beginning after being with this team it’s almost as if this had to happen as our team was probably not entirely ready to handle the success of winning a Super Bowl. Next season will be different, but what took place this season spiritually allowed God to establish an even stronger presence on the team, and we further discovered the blessing of following His leading, which brings the victory. 
This was a team that started off with so much promise as they hoped to position themselves to win a Super Bowl. The team was truly humbled after a 3-1 start they watched a promising season turn into a real disaster. However, amongst the darkness, there was light. Spiritually, we laid the foundation for a strong ministry presence within the stadium. We had four players pray to receive Christ, two re-dedications, and it was awesome watching God open doors for effective ministry each week. This year was an excellent opportunity to build relationships with the players and influencers in the organization. To close the season we ended in communion, which was another precious moment as we took time to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf

The media especially on Super Bowl Sunday does not showcase what these chaplains do, but they are fully committed to the Cause of Christ. Praising the Lord for raising up 32 people that serve behind the scenes of these favored NFL teams to bring the word of God as a platform in this well known and loved sport.

  • PRAISE: AIA is onboarding 15 new long term missionaries this spring and summer who will serve on college campuses or in departments of our ministry.
  • PRAISE: AIA has onboarded 22 short term missionaries in April at the Cru Orientation (see photo below) and another 16 will come in June (all of which Mike and Leslie train).
  • PRAISE: The FULL season of ministry and fruit we’ve seen because of faithful ministry partners choosing to invest in His Work through us. GRATEFUL!
  • PRAYER: Because of the bountiful work in our ministry, we are praying the Lord would provide help for some of our needs around the home. Babysitting (a few hours a week so that Leslie can tackle work) so that she can give her full attention to the kiddos this summer and not be distracted.
  • Also, labor for routine house projects looming we need to get done (ie: carpets cleaned, small jobs we just can’t get to).
  • PRAYER: Mike is taking two required seminary courses July 3 - 17. Pray for his ability to work on homework in this busy season to be on track for the condensed 2 week format.


*(Top Right) Leslie met Haley face to face for the first time at Cru Orientation in April. For Leslie it was a joy and privilege just a few weeks prior when evaluating her application to offer her an acceptance to join the campus of Wake Forest for this next year. What a huge step of faith for Haley as she has deferred med school for a year!

*(Top rt. & Bottom) April 12- 14 Mike and Leslie equipped 22 Interns, Part- Time Field Staff and STINTers (going overseas) at the Cru annual short term mission’s orientation AIA hosts. This was the 3rd year Mike and Leslie have co-taught the 9 hour intensive training equipping new laborers!

Haley’s email to Leslie the day after she gave her the acceptance for internship.

Thank you so much for this and for taking the time to chat with me yesterday. I am reflecting on the phone call and amazed that you spent the time reassuring me of Christ's love and expressing your care for my future rather than only assessing my adequacy or qualifications. I'm not certain I'll ever have an interview experience similar again, so I am feeling very thankful and peaceful. Thank you again for the trust that you, and the whole of AIA, are giving me to serve throughout this next year. I am excited about growing under AIA's guidance, getting to take part in God's growth of His kingdom, and to meet you in a few short weeks! -Haley

NFL's tribute to Bart Starr upon his death yesterday, May 26, 2019