Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Our own God story in the making

Volume 9 Issue 3

Our own God story in the making

 Spring has sprung: flowers in bloom, kids playing outdoors and so forth.   As with our lives a new season has begun, a new chapter in ministry for us!  In our last newsletter, we hinted at a coming change.  We want to share with you the BIG NEWS that has been developing for us in ministry.  We will be moving (in the coming months) to serve with another ministry of Cru- Athletes in Action!
Athletes In Action Logo

First, the back-story: Over the last two years or so, we have had occasions to for us to be involved in a scope that is much larger than our roles with Keynote.  About a year ago, we began to put feelers out looking for a change in our part within the ministry of Cru.  Thus allowing for this larger scope to be part of our normal jobs (rather than added on).  Months rolled by with very little being a good fit or peaking our interests and gifting.  But we still felt like God was leading to something more.  It’s a God story, really!  In November, Mike had interactions with the Human Resources Director of AIA (whom Mike knew all the way back from 1998 when they joined Cru staff together). In talking with this ministry’s leader about HR related matters, Mike discovered a potential role that sounded like a good fit.  The more we investigated the possibility of these ministry roles with AIA, the more we got excited.  The experiences and trainings that both of us have had, were exactly what AIA was looking for and in need of!

We have been offered and accepted roles with the Leadership Development and Human Resources department.  Mike will become the associate national director of the department.  Leslie will continue to serve as an application evaluator and a new staff support coach.

As the Lord would have it, since we LOVE what we do, these new roles are almost exactly the same we had at Keynote.  Our scope will now have influence in training and equipping 460+ AIA staff worldwide as well as sending out new laborers in the gospel work!

We will need to move from our home in Indianapolis, to the AIA headquarters located in Xenia, Ohio (near Dayton).  Our goal is to start the new school year there September 1st.  We are excited to be part of what God is doing through the ministries of Athletes in Action.

For those that give financially to our ministry, this does not change anything in how you give.  AIA is part of Cru.

Should you be interested in more details we would love the opportunity to talk further with you.  Please comment on our blog (all comments are moderated, and will not appear directly) and leave your contact info.

  • The Joy of the Lord (Neh. 8:10) would be our strength in these months of transition.
  • The Lord would provide opportunities for us to talk with new partners who would be interested in the ministry of AIA.
  • The Lord to go before us and prepare a house/home for us in Ohio.

April-June: Prep house for the market and sell our home. Pack.
July: Cru biennial staff conference in Colorado
August:  In faith sell our home, move to Xenia and find new house.
September 1: start new roles at AIA.