Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Greeting 2014

Rebholz Photo Prayer Card

Here is our Photo Prayer Card. If you would like to print a physical copy, it can be printed as a normal 4x6 photo. Right click this image and "save image as" in order to get the high resolution version.

Advent means “coming”.  Some people during the month of December use an Advent calendar starting the 4th Sunday before Christmas to mark the Christmas season.  This Advent season’s purpose it to be a mindful time anticipating and preparing one’s heart for the “the coming” and the powerful meaning of Christmas -- a baby born of the lowliest places; who would take on the ultimate work of salvation for man on the Cross.  In the Bible’s book of John we find we find John (the author) writing his testimony and proclaiming the life of Jesus.  “The Word [Jesus] became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (1:14)

Let us reminisce from the beginning of time, Genesis the events to better understand the coming of Christ, Jesus.

Day 1:  Creation  (Genesis 1:1)          Hymn: How Great Thou Art
Day 2: The First Sin (forbidden fruit) (Isaiah 53:6) Jesus Loves Me
Day 3: The Ark and Rainbow (Romans 6:23) Standing on the Promises
Day 4: Abraham and Sarah (Genesis12:3b) I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Day 5: Isaac and the Sacrificial Lamb (John 1:29b) Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Day 6: Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:15a) Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Day 7: Joseph’s Colorful coat (Romans 8:28a) It is Well With My Soul
Day 8: Moses & The Ten Commandments (Psalm 119:11) Trust and Obey
Day 9: Promised Land (Psalm 103:2) God Is So Good
Day 10: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 1:16b) Praise Him in the Morning
Day 11: King David (Psalm 23:1) I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Day 12: The Law (Psalm 119:105) The B-I-B-L-E
Day 13: Jesse Tree (John 1:14a) O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Day 14: Lion & Lamb (Isaiah 11:10a) O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Day 15: Prince of Peace (John 14:27) I’ve Got Peace Like a River
Day 16: Shepherd (John 10:27) Alleluia
Day 17: Suffering (John 10:15) The Old Rugged Cross
Day 18: New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:33a) Into My Heart
Day 19: Bethlehem (Philippians 4:13) O Come, All Ye Faithful
Day 20: The Exile (Jeremiah 1:8) He Leadeth me
Day 21: Return to (the land) Jerusalem (Revelation 22:20) Lift up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Day 22: Star (Matthew 2:10) The Star Carol
Day 23: A Candle Light (John 8:12) Silent Night
Day 24: An Angel (Luke 2:14) It Came upon a Midnight Clear
Day 25: Jesus Christ (John 3:16) Joy to the World

Advent days, scriptures, and Hymns from:
The Advent Jesse Tree by Dean Meador Lambert (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1988)