things related to the Nativity
Baby born in Bethlehem
Candle, Camel
Eternity begins with Jesus
Frankincense, Gold & Myrrh (3 gifts given)
Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus
Heavenly Hosts
Inn –no room
Joseph father of Jesus, Joy to the World
Kings, Knee bow to Jesus
Light of the World (Jesus)
Magi- 3 kings who brought gifts to Jesus, Manger
Nativity scene
of Mary and Joseph
Purple is the color of royalty and represents Christ as King.
Quirinius-governor of Syria-census took place
Rejoice Immanuel means God is with us
Star of Bethlehem, Shepherds, Savior is born
Tree to the Cross, Town of David
Unto us a child is
born, Unto us a Son is given
Virgin Mary-mother of Jesus
Worship, Wreath for Advent
In the annual Christmas season with all the hustle and rush
it’s easy to miss the wondrous and powerful reality - Savoring the real joys of
Christmas! The following are excerpts from God’s Little Christmas
first Christmas gift is the God of gifts, Jesus Himself, the Son of God.
Without Christ there is no Christmas, for a Christmas without Christ is
meaningless. But the tiny Babe in the crib has conquered all
hearts. His birthday has become a day of joy for the whole world.
It is not difficult to see, therefore, why events which fell on this birthday
or happenings related to the sacred festival are of intense interest to every
love of the Christ Child.
of the most potent, though silent testimonials of Christ, is the fact that all
chronology is dated “before’ or “after” Christ. B.C. and A.D. meet and
part at His crib.
A personal Jesus accepted means salvation; a personal Jesus
obeyed is sanctification; a personal Jesus followed is a life of brotherly
kindness and true philanthropy; a personal Jesus reigning in the heart is the
fullness of peace and joy and power. The bells of Bethlehem ring one
note; the Christmas carols are all calling aloud the same note: “Back to
Christ!” “Back to Christ!” --T. L. Cuyler
Set a chair somewhere, today, for your Master.
Determine to have a Christmas all the year round, by giving your Lord and
Savior the best seat at the table in your heart. – T. L. Cuyler