Thank you and Merry Christmas from Mike & Leslie Rebholz and Keynote.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
December 2012 Greetings
Christ’s Birth
Inheritance from Immanuel
Saint Nicholas
Music and lights
Little baby on the hay,
Soon there’ll be another day
When nails shall pierce Your hands and
As You provide our sin’s defeat.
Risen Jesus on the throne,
We lift our praise to You alone-
For You’re the gift that we receive
The moment that our hearts believe.
-Roy Lessin
As we count the days in December till Christmas, we are reminded this
month is a time of renewal-preparing our hearts for truly the greatest gift
ever given – Jesus Christ. Amidst this season of being bombarded by
technology, consumerism, busyness, and presents it is so EASY to forget or lose
perspective of the gospel. We can
honestly relate as we’ve been through a roller coaster this fall; moving,
living in temporary housing, problems with and fixes to be made on our home,
busyness, and ministry obligations that have stretched our family. While we have praised God (but not enough)
during that time we were overwhelmed at times with angst, stress, strife,
relational struggles.
In this season, there is a lot of glitz and glitter that is eye
catching for our son. As adults we are
no different at becoming distracted. We
must ask ourselves, what am I celebrating? (Is it gifts, holiday festivities,
family time, Jesus- my Savior and Lord?) Without the message of the gospel
there wouldn’t be a need for a Savior, the two go hand in hand. So by fixing our eyes, mind, and thoughts on
the gospel we reap infinitely more in the spiritual realm than in material
To name a few:
Awareness of my sin and forgiveness
My need for Jesus, His sacrificial gift
The Power of God
Transformation for His Glory
I am God’s workmanship, created to do good works
Choosing His Ways/thoughts are right despite my feelings and flesh nature (Isaiah 55)
He is the giver of all I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)
He has gifted EACH person
Awareness and keeping God’s amazing love before my eyes
Perspective in trials/hardships- conforming me to His image