Volume 7 Issue 3
Spring Highlights
April– Mike coordinated a theology class –God, Bible & Holy Spirit-for Keynote staff as a part of required Institute of Biblical Studies (IBS) for CRU staff (see photo to rt.). Leslie took this class and enjoyed being a student (even with the Home work)!
One of Mike’s roles as the Associate Director of HR is to oversee the hiring of new staff and processing all the needed requirements (i.e.: paperwork, even VISA applications, coaching them as they raise their initial support). Harro (Michael Harrison.) is an Australian CRU staff person whose giftedness and training is in computer programming. Having him come and serve at Keynote has enabled our New Media labs to update outreach material and to bring our significant programming needs back in house. Mike worked many hours on building the training requirements needed for Harro’s visa. Since Harro’s arrival, he has been able to work on a new release of our God Tools mobile app just in time for a major outreach in Tallinn, Estonia. A special version of the evangelistic tools were created that allowed users to flip back and forth from the Estonia translation to the English version.
May- Leslie began to prepare summer project materials for the students upon their arrival. This included all the notes for the communications classes they would take. Personally, she completed her 5th mini marathon– Geist 1/2.
June- Summer project students arrived! Leslie had the AWESOME privilege to teach one of the communication classes to the summer project students.
As an application evaluator, Leslie has the opportunity to talk one on one with those who apply for an internship or staff with Keynote. Erica, was a Keynote summer project student in the summer of 2009. This past Christmas during Christmas Conference, Mike and Leslie met with her to discuss doing an internship with Keynote. This month Erica has reported to Keynote as an intern! Here is a note she wrote personally to Leslie.
Thank you so much for having listened and talked to me over the phone during the extremely difficult time in my life this summer. Some of the words and verses you re- minded me of were used in such big ways by the Lord. He used them to comfort me with his love and point me towards Him in reconciliation. I am so appreciative.
– In Christ’s love, Erica
June 29th, we celebrated Benjamin turning 1! A precious gift from the Lord.
Keynote Summer Project 2012 Update
Group: Backbeat Serenade
Genre: A cappella
Tour Location: Wisconsin
“A woman and her 2 kids accepted Christ at our concert tonight. Their family will be forever changed! Grateful.”
— Shawna Paine, Keynote Staff
Group: Young Isaac
Genre: Acoustic Rock
Tour Locations: Florida, Indiana, Pennsylvania
While at a juvenile section of a Florida prison, during their last song, one of the teenagers started tearing up and he called the chaplain over and said that he felt that God was calling him to give his life to Jesus.
Group: Soul Seed
Genre: Eclectic mix of Hip-Hop, Gospel, R & B and Jazz
Tour Locations: Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia,
Their first concert took place in 98° weather in the parking lot. Very few people stopped and stayed for the duration of the concert. But despite that, 3 people indicated a salvation decision.
Group: Theater Team
Genre: Stage production including music, drama and dance
Production: The Point
Tour Location: Indiana
He thought he was coming to be Superman, but God used the other members of Class Six to show him areas of his life that needed attention. “I can honestly say that this mission trip changed my life.”
— TreNation, performer and musician
Group: Film Team
Genre: Stop Motion Animated Short, Comedy
Film Title: Overboard
People kept telling him "Go on a summer project; go on a summer project." He was getting sick of hearing that. But when he saw the documentary he realized there might be a summer project that was more suitable to who God created him to be.
— Steve, Director of Overboard
View the film online at: http://bit.ly/OVERBOARD
A total of 3,453 exposures to the gospel and 362 people indicated a salvation decision through all of our summer projects!
Praises & Prayer:
· Prayer for Mike as he’s taken on additional responsibilities in leadership these next few months, that he’d have the strength and wisdom.
· Prayer for our family of 3– discerning balance in our home-life and ministry.
· PRAISE God for all the salvation decisions this past summer!
· Praise Leslie’s teaching opportunity has led to application in her own speaking.