Volume 7, Issue 2
GREATER are His plans
Sitting in a hotel ballroom with 2,000 college students from IL, OH, MI, and IN brought back many memories. Eleven years ago (2001) Leslie sat in a ballroom at the same Christmas conference (Mike’s last visit to this conference was 15 years ago).
This year, we had the privilege to attend the Indy Christmas Conference as staff members. We recruited for Keynote at this conference. Leslie was reminded of how college students face many decisions during this time in their life (what will they do for a summer job, what will they do after graduating college). Their future is right before eyes-hanging in the balance!
God brought to mind how He’s taken Leslie on quite a journey in these last 11 years. As a 22 year old then, she had no idea the blessings, experiences, challenges- she’d face and the steps for faith that God would empower her to take. Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. The Lord’s plans- WOW. Leslie’s plans were to be a school teacher, get married and start a family. God granted her childhood dream to be a teacher, find a Godly man, and give birth to our first child. AND He did MORE! Sandwiched in between these life events were opportunities to step out in faith to do a year internship and then join staff with Campus Crusade. God has used Leslie to do greater things than she imagined.
At this recent Christmas conference Leslie marveled at His plans and what has already transpired. “What He has in store for me and will do thru me for His glory.”
The theme of this year’s conference was “God is Greater than…” (i.e.: God is greater than our future plans) How timely to be reminded the God we serve is: limitless, unchallenged, faithful, ENOUGH. His plans are greater than we can plan or comprehend. Isaiah 55:8-9 even says it clearly: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Looking back at one’s life and reflecting is difficult. Yet, the delight is IN Christ- Have you seen how God has woven your life? Can you finish this sentence: God is greater than…?
- The last week in April (23-28)Leslie is taking a required Seminary course. which she’s excited about! Pray that she would complete the required class assignments in a timely manner over the next two months, balancing time with family (hubby and Benjamin), home and other activities.
- Mike is organizing that same Seminary class. Pray for all the preparation and logistics involved as we may have as many as 100+ students