Volume 7, Issue 1
Our precious gift...
We had a baby boy on June 29, 2011. Leslie was induced as Benjamin Paul came 8 days late and showed no signs of arriving on his own. After a full day of labor, he arrived at 5:50 PM by caesarian. He weighed 6lbs 8 oz and measured 19.25 inches.
The author of No Fear Guide for First Time Parents put out by Focus on the Family writes “Parenting is an adventure, a source of incredible fulfillment and a unique privilege. It’s a voyage of discovery, a humbling responsibility and a learning curve…above all, a gift from God-one that deserves to be received with joy and treated with the utmost respect.” We are in amazement as we see this little gift of God.-he’s growing and changing fast. Having a child of our own brings new understanding of God’s love.
As 2011 came to a close we wanted to reflect and share events of the last 6 months worthy of praise and reporting about.
May– June: Summer Project stats
52 outreach concerts/events
5,033 heard the gospel message
355 indicated they started a relationship w/ Jesus.
August: Mike hit the ground running as our staff returned from the bi-annual CCC staff conference in Ft. Collins, CO. training interns, and strategic planning for LDHR department.
Sept. Mike reflected on the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. For Mike, it is hard to believe 10 years has gone by. Mike spent 3 months in New York City following 9/11. At that time, Mike was serving with Student Venture, the high school ministry of Campus Crusade. The goal of the team was to distribute 200,000 “No More Fear Survival Kits”. These kits contained materials to give New York students hope as well as a Bible and a gospel presentation. Thanks to hundreds of staff, students, youth group kids and NYC leaders who linked arm in arm to take the good news of hope in Christ to the students of NYC, this project fulfilled its mission.
Recently our pastor shared that he was asked “How has your life changed as a result of 9/11?” For Mike, the change has come in many ways – the memories of ground zero – the various conversations with those who lost people – the various people who now spend eternity in Heaven. These all have brought about a change of compassion for the lost as well as knowing the power of God in the midst of total tragedy.
Oct: Mike traveled to the Intern coordinators Conference for CCC. This is the first ever conference where representatives of ministries that use interns in Campus Crusade for Christ gathered.
Oct: Leslie served on a team to coordinate the Campus Crusade Worldwide Day of Prayer that Keynote hosted for Indianapolis.
Dec. Mike attended Ministry Partner Development (MPD) Coaches forum. He is one of only 90 coaches nationwide. 70 of which were present at the conference. This team facilitates coaching more than 5,000 US staff to help them raise their support more effectively.
Nov.: A home-school co-op took a fieldtrip to Keynote. What a unique opportunity to teach and tell kids about our ministry and what it’s like to share the Gospel. It’s never to early to start teaching your children about missions!
Comments about Keynote from this home school group:
Laney (9): I loved learning about different ways missionaries can teach others about God!
Camden (8): I liked coloring the flags and learning about the different countries, and standing up in front talking about it.
Renee (mom): The kids have loved the CDs and are listening to them every night.
Becky (mom): Today, we were praying for missionaries from our church in Brazil. My eight year old daughter said, "I know all about Brazil." She had done a report on Brazil during our Keynote tour. She then went on to tell us all that she still remembered about the country. Thanks for the great opportunity to expand our horizons!
Jillian (8): I liked when we did the country report, because it was fun to learn what Keynote had done in Hungary.
Jackie (10): I think it was cool that people can do a lot of stuff together if they work together. Even if there is just a few people, it can go a long way—like the department at Keynote that has only two people, yet they can accomplish so much.
Jenna (7): My favorite part was learning that Keynote is helping the world.
Andi (mom): We had heard about David Pendleton, but now that we have the DVD, we love him! We have watched it several times and have loaned it out already. We watched it with our extended family on Thanksgiving—we were thankful for the laughs and the gospel message. The kids have asked other kids if they have the “David Pendleton movie” and then they explain who he is. And… we catch them often quoting lines from the DVD.
Chelsea (5) I remember the flags. We colored them. People have been there [to those countries] and built houses.
Grace (8) Everyone there [at Keynote] is a believer. They travel to different countries and play concerts.
Blake (10) Keynote is a great ministry that has a big heart for God. I loved the tour of the facility and I know that these people will do everything they can to proclaim the Good News all around the world.
Sherri (mom) We really appreciate all the time and preparation that went into the tour for our home school group. It's so great to know that a ministry like this exists in our own city...a ministry that impacts the world for the cause of Christ and His gospel! Thanks so much to Mike and all his staff for having us!
THANK YOU for blessing us as a family by your faithful giving and prayers. We in turn can bless others and share the hope of Christ.
Some of the Keynote LD / HR Team |
Prayer Requests:
· For Leslie balance in: serving, involvement in activities-opportunities, home-life,, time with the Lord, relationships and keeping my husband and child my first ministry. I would choose what God wants.
· For Mike peace, rest and strength in the midst of lots of demands, decisions and needs he faces in his role as associate director Leadership Development and Human Resources.