Friday, July 22, 2011

Campus Crusade for Christ to change its name

Campus Crusade for Christ 

to become Cru

Earlier this week, Campus Crusade for Christ announced to its staff that it will be changing its name to Cru here in the USA.  There are a lot of news stories happening about this and some are accurate and some are not.  Leslie and I felt it was important to send you information about the name change as Keynote (the ministry we work for) is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.  Our ministry prepared the following to help describe what is happening and why it is happening.

is becoming   

That's right! In the U.S., Campus Crusade for Christ is becoming Cru. We know you care about this ministry and we want you to be among the first know. We're announcing it now. We'll adopt the new name early in 2012.

This change is being made in order to be more effective in sharing the gospel and to see even more people come to faith in Christ. It's been a two-year process, but ultimately we have come to this decision through much prayer and with a deep sense of dependence on God.

Words Matter

Although our name for the last 60 years is well respected in Christian ministry and missions, the word “Crusade” now carries serious negative associations. Also, the word "Campus" actually hinders people who are not students from engaging in our broad range of ministries. Research has shown that 20% of the people in the U.S. willing to have a conversation about Jesus are less interested when they hear the name Campus Crusade for Christ. Words may take on new meaning over time, but our calling never changes. We are committed to give every person around the world an opportunity to hear the gospel and a chance to say YES to Jesus. That's what makes a name change necessary.

Field Tested

Cru has been used for over 15 years by a number of our local college ministries. It has a track record of success in evangelism and discipleship. To those who are familiar with us, it connects with our past and yet is forward looking. For those that we will connect with in the future, the name will be filled with all of the experiences and meaning of who we are and what we have to offer.

Changing Our Name Will Help …

  • Increase evangelism as more people are willing to engage with us in discussions about Christ.
  • Involve more people who want to make a difference in their world for Christ.
  • Improve synergy between all our ministries. They will benefit from a more cohesive connection while still maintaining their individual ministry's identity.
In the months ahead, there will be a period of transition where you will see both names used. For more information, please visit to see a brief video, graphics and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

You can be sure that our calling and mission have not changed. Our heart remains the same— to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning people to Christ, building them in their faith to see their lives transformed, and sending them out to reach others for Christ. Thank you again for your partnership in this ministry. Please pray with us that many more people will come to Christ as we take this step of faith together.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Photos of our new arrival...

Many have been asking for photos of Benjmain.

So, we have selected some of our favorites and posted them in this slideshow.  You can also find them at:

If viewing this from a mobile platform or stream that doesn't support flash, please see the web album at: