Yesterday, Wednesday the 29th was a L O N G day!!!!
God brought Benjamin Paul Rebholz into this world at 5:50 PM weighing 6 lbs 8 oz and 19.25 inches long. Praise the Lord he is healthy and an absolute delight!
Overview of the day: 7:30 AM Dr broke the water and began Pitocin drip-“inducing” drug (medicine to bring about contractions). Labor was progressing slowly until after intense pain an epidural was given (which there is a God story in the timing of the epidural being administered). Then labor took off like lightening. After pushing for about 2 hours, the baby’s head would drop with each push but return to its original position at the end of the pushing. Dr assessed that the way he was positioned, he just wasn’t going to come out. Leslie says:
"The Lord humbled me when the Dr said that he wasn’t going to come out that way and I would have to have a Caesarian Section.
Being wheeled into the surgery room, God granted me the peace that this was His plan (c-section) all along despite my human efforts and pride. Tears of overwhelming joy came as our son was shown to us for the first time around the curtain in the operating room."
Finally at 9:30 PM Leslie was wheeled up to the Postpartum Floor (the floor for all post delivery moms and babies) and reside here (at the hospital) till Saturday evening (72 hours after the the birth).
If you are on facebook, you can read many of Mike’s posts throughout yesterday. We hope to post photos to our baby website ( in the next few days.