Volume 6, Issue 2
New Staff Testimony
Andy and another guy were talking to a 14 year old name Matt who was taking some college courses on the campus of Daytona State College in Daytona Beach, FL. While they were talking with Matt at a picnic table, some guys walked by and started yelling racist remarks, threatening them as they passed. Andy muttered a quiet prayer for God to work through this spiritual warfare. Not ten seconds later Matt’s dad, Guillermo, walked up. After explaining what they were doing talking to his son, he agreed to talk to them as well, and ended up accepting Christ that day.
Andy recently shared this story in his own ministry newsletter. You see, Andy is a new staff member with Keynote. And he was in Daytona Beach for Campus Crusade for Christ’s new staff training in the month of January this year. Andy made the connection on a recent phone call that he would not have been in Daytona Beach to lead Guillermo to the Lord if it weren’t for the efforts of Mike and Leslie.
It all began when Andy (see photo on right.) came to Keynote’s Vision dinner event in November. He had graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point in May. That weekend, Mike and another HR team member conducted Andy’s interview for a full-time ministry position with Keynote. In the days following, Leslie received his completed application materials and began to evaluate them all. Through a series of phone calls and pouring over all of the data collected about Andy, it was decided that Keynote would accept Andy to our staff.
At that point, Mike began the coaching process to see that Andy got everything he needed to be able to make it to Daytona Beach as well as successfully raise the money he would need for the training.
We have never met Guillermo or Matt, let alone been on the campus of Daytona State College, but through our jobs in the human resources department at Keynote, we were able to play a part in seeing this man indicate a decision to follow Christ.
Meet the Band– Stop On Green!
Mike along with (Keynote band) Stop On Green will be traveling to El Salvador March 26– April 3rd. There they will partner with Bridges of Hope International to do
evangelistic outreach concerts alongside ex-gang members now in ministry. Mike will serve at the band’s
Prayer Requests:
- Health and protection of Baby Rebholz.
- Peace for Leslie while Mike is overseas, that God’s perfect Love casts out fear.