Volume 6, Issue 1
Capturing the Conference - Impact Conference 2010
IMPACT ’10 Nehemiah 4:19-20
THE COME BACK to: Christ, Grace,
Serve, Celebrate
What better way to tell you about our recent ministry conference than through photos. We had the opportunity to serve and be a part of the Impact biannual Conference that took place Dec. 25-Jan. 1st in Atlanta, Georgia. Over 1,000 attendees.
Below: Author and Speaker Pricilla Shirer (Tony Evans’ daughter) graced everyone with her presence and exhortation.
THE COME BACK to: Christ, Grace,
Serve, Celebrate
What better way to tell you about our recent ministry conference than through photos. We had the opportunity to serve and be a part of the Impact biannual Conference that took place Dec. 25-Jan. 1st in Atlanta, Georgia. Over 1,000 attendees.
Below: Author and Speaker Pricilla Shirer (Tony Evans’ daughter) graced everyone with her presence and exhortation.
Left: Mike served behind the scenes at the conference running ProPresentor and Media Shout (translation-anything what went up on the screens (song lyrics, photos, announcements…)
Left: Leslie had the privilege of evaluating Denise’s application for IMPACT staff back in July and extending her an invitation of acceptance for her to join Impact staff. We met in person at this years conference. She has overseen the conf. bookstore for several IMPACT conferences. She is making great progress in raising her support.
Above: Leslie also had the privilege of evaluating KB’s application for IMPACT staff back in June and extending her an invitation of acceptance to join Impact Music staff as a DJ and musician.
Right: The students awaiting their audition for Impact Summer Mission: emcees, vocalists, musicians, deejays, dancers. There were over 70 who auditioned!
Left: Leslie video taped all the auditions.
Rt.: LaDonna (w/ her son) crossed paths with Leslie 4 yrs. ago (Impact 07) as she auditioned for Impact Music Summer Mission (and was accepted). She continues to volunteer with Impact.
Lft.: Leslie’s main role at the conference was the “timer”. For every main session she kept time for the Program Director (standing next to her in photo) and let speakers know how much time they had remaining. She LOVED her role– Front row seat too!
Left: Day of Outreach students practiced sharing the 4 law booklet with others after seeing a skit “wrong vs. right way” of sharing your faith. 726 people hit the streets of Atlanta “put feet to our faith” -application of rebuilding the walls, actively worshiping God by sharing faith.
*Shared the passage (4 Spiritual Laws) with 290 people and 112 made decisions to start a relationship with Jesus
*Shared the Satisfied (Holy Spirit) booklet with
75 people and prayed to receive the Holy Spirit.
*Prayed with 216 people
*217 people wanted to be followed up with
*215 wanted more information
Left: On New Year’s Eve we had some free time and used all our Coke Rewards (yes, we are a Coke product family) points for admission to the Coca-Cola Factory. Mike tasted many varieties of soda from around the globe some of which he dumped out after sipping it.
To see more photos from the conference, you can see a slideshow below:
{if you are unable to see the slide-show above, view it at:
http://picasaweb.google.com/mrebholz72/Impact2010#slideshow/ )