Friday, July 22, 2011

Campus Crusade for Christ to change its name

Campus Crusade for Christ 

to become Cru

Earlier this week, Campus Crusade for Christ announced to its staff that it will be changing its name to Cru here in the USA.  There are a lot of news stories happening about this and some are accurate and some are not.  Leslie and I felt it was important to send you information about the name change as Keynote (the ministry we work for) is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.  Our ministry prepared the following to help describe what is happening and why it is happening.

is becoming   

That's right! In the U.S., Campus Crusade for Christ is becoming Cru. We know you care about this ministry and we want you to be among the first know. We're announcing it now. We'll adopt the new name early in 2012.

This change is being made in order to be more effective in sharing the gospel and to see even more people come to faith in Christ. It's been a two-year process, but ultimately we have come to this decision through much prayer and with a deep sense of dependence on God.

Words Matter

Although our name for the last 60 years is well respected in Christian ministry and missions, the word “Crusade” now carries serious negative associations. Also, the word "Campus" actually hinders people who are not students from engaging in our broad range of ministries. Research has shown that 20% of the people in the U.S. willing to have a conversation about Jesus are less interested when they hear the name Campus Crusade for Christ. Words may take on new meaning over time, but our calling never changes. We are committed to give every person around the world an opportunity to hear the gospel and a chance to say YES to Jesus. That's what makes a name change necessary.

Field Tested

Cru has been used for over 15 years by a number of our local college ministries. It has a track record of success in evangelism and discipleship. To those who are familiar with us, it connects with our past and yet is forward looking. For those that we will connect with in the future, the name will be filled with all of the experiences and meaning of who we are and what we have to offer.

Changing Our Name Will Help …

  • Increase evangelism as more people are willing to engage with us in discussions about Christ.
  • Involve more people who want to make a difference in their world for Christ.
  • Improve synergy between all our ministries. They will benefit from a more cohesive connection while still maintaining their individual ministry's identity.
In the months ahead, there will be a period of transition where you will see both names used. For more information, please visit to see a brief video, graphics and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

You can be sure that our calling and mission have not changed. Our heart remains the same— to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning people to Christ, building them in their faith to see their lives transformed, and sending them out to reach others for Christ. Thank you again for your partnership in this ministry. Please pray with us that many more people will come to Christ as we take this step of faith together.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Photos of our new arrival...

Many have been asking for photos of Benjmain.

So, we have selected some of our favorites and posted them in this slideshow.  You can also find them at:

If viewing this from a mobile platform or stream that doesn't support flash, please see the web album at:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Arrival of Baby Rebholz...

Yesterday, Wednesday the 29th was a L O N G day!!!!
God brought Benjamin Paul Rebholz into this world at 5:50 PM weighing 6 lbs 8 oz and 19.25 inches long.  Praise the Lord he is healthy and an absolute delight!

Overview of the day: 7:30 AM Dr broke the water and began Pitocin drip-“inducing” drug (medicine to bring about contractions).  Labor was progressing slowly until after intense pain an epidural was given (which there is a God story in the timing of the epidural being administered).  Then labor took off like lightening.  After pushing for about 2 hours, the baby’s head would drop with each push but return to its original position at the end of the pushing.  Dr assessed that the way he was positioned, he just wasn’t going to come out. Leslie says:
"The Lord humbled me when the Dr said that he wasn’t going to come out that way and I would have to have a Caesarian Section.

Being wheeled into the surgery room, God granted me the peace that this was His plan (c-section) all along despite my human efforts and pride.  Tears of overwhelming joy came as our son was shown to us for the first time around the curtain in the operating room."

Finally at 9:30 PM Leslie was wheeled up to the Postpartum Floor (the floor for all post delivery moms and babies) and reside here (at the hospital) till Saturday evening (72 hours after the the birth).

If you are on facebook, you can read many of Mike’s posts throughout yesterday. We hope to post photos to our baby website ( in the next few days.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Now or Later

Volume 6 Issue 4
Now or Later

Posing for our maternity shoot before baby arrives
We are mere days away from Leslie being induced for the birth of our first child (Wednesday June 29).  Right now, it is a waiting game not knowing if our little boy will arrive on his own or be assisted through induction.  But it is nice to at least have an ending timeframe.

Mike recently posted to his friends on Facebook “Have you ever been in the place where you know something is going to happen and you are just waiting for it to happen -- not sure if you want it to happen right away or wait for it to happen? It is that way with waiting for the arrival of our baby...”

Mike and Leslie celebrating 6 years May 8th, since their first date!
There are many times in our lives when we must wait.  Sometimes our waiting comes with the desire for it to come quicker.  Sometimes our waiting comes with the desire for it to happen later.

Our church has a “SERVE” day which Keynote, benefited from volunteers who did various projects for us.
The mixed emotions of Mike’s question is in some ways the same mixed emotions of what we as believers might feel about Christ’s return.  We would love for the opportunity to meet our Savior and yet, there are so many more that need to know Him.  We would love to be rid of our earthly bodies and yet we would love the opportunity to raise our yet unborn boy to place his faith and trust in Christ.

Thankfully, there is one who is in control of all of these things and we need not worry about them.  We just keep moving forward doing the things He has called us to.
What’s been happening
in the ministry ?
  • Summer Project—our bands are on the road doing concerts and our film team is just about done with their short film to head out to do showings.
  • We just finished training 2 new interns as well as a refresher for a 2nd year intern.  All 3 are raising their support to join us in the fall.
  • These past few months Leslie has evaluated a number of intern applicants.
  • Leslie continues to serve as an online missionary through Global Media Outreach.  She responds to messages submitted with questions about God and maintains a dialogue with many as they seek Him.
  • Mike continues to coach 9 staff as they are raising their initial support after having just had 3 raise their support and report to Keynote.

Prayer Requests;
  • Pray for the delivery of our baby boy. He was due June 21, induction scheduled for June 29.

Coming soon to the Rebholz home...
To read baby news updates and see
photos (click “view all”) visit:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sound Man in El Salvador

Volume 6 Issue 3
Sound Man in El Salvador

As you may recall from our last newsletter, Mike went down to El Salvador to run sound for a Keynote outreach band named Stop On Green.  The team played four shows and got to build a house for a grandmother in a community called “Los Angeles Dos”.
Gangs are rampant and we had the opportunity to work alongside former gang members called “The Disciples”.  They used break dancing and hip hop music to share the gospel.

For most of our shows, we didn’t get to know how much impact our concert had, but at the final show about 30 students indicated that they placed their faith in Jesus!
The day we spent building  a home was a true high light.  One family we talked with shared that it takes them $7 a day to feed their family.  When asked how much the father had that day, he said $1.  The homes they lived in were sticks, plastic, and little more.  We built a 10 foot by 20 foot home that in com parison seemed like a mansion.

Following the completion of the build, we had the opportunity to present the new owner of the home with a gift basket of food and a Bible.  She was overwhelmed with the joy of receiving the blessing from the Lord.

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the transition that approaches with the birth of our first child due June 21.

While Mike was on his trip/ out of the country Leslie attended a mission’s conference in Peoria, IL.  She was well taken care of by her in-laws while her hubby was away.  She was thankful  to have Skyped with him about every day.

Leslie being a Butler Grad…
listened to the semi-final game on the car radio going to pick up the team at the airport.  Mike and Leslie had the opportunity to watch the final championship game (via telecast) at Butler’s Hinkle Fieldhouse.

Check out the video of a performance of The Disciples in El Salvador.

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Staff Testimony

Volume 6, Issue 2
New Staff Testimony

Andy and another guy were talking to a 14 year old name Matt who was taking some college courses on the campus of Daytona State College in Daytona Beach, FL. While they were talking with Matt at a picnic table, some guys walked by and started yelling racist remarks, threatening them as they passed. Andy muttered a quiet prayer for God to work through this spiritual warfare. Not ten seconds later Matt’s dad, Guillermo, walked up. After explaining what they were doing talking to his son, he agreed to talk to them as well, and ended up accepting Christ that day.

Andy recently shared this story in his own ministry newsletter.  You see, Andy is a new staff member with Keynote.  And he was in Daytona Beach for Campus Crusade for Christ’s new staff training in the month of January this year.  Andy made the connection on a recent phone call that he would not have been in Daytona Beach to lead Guillermo to the Lord if it weren’t for the efforts of Mike and Leslie.
It all began when Andy (see photo on right.) came to Keynote’s Vision dinner event in November.  He had graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point in May.  That weekend, Mike and another HR team member conducted Andy’s interview for a full-time ministry position with Keynote.  In the days following, Leslie received his completed application materials and began to evaluate them all.  Through a series of phone calls and pouring over all of the data collected about Andy, it was decided that Keynote would accept Andy to our staff.

At that point, Mike began the coaching process to see that Andy got everything he needed to be able to make it to Daytona Beach as well as successfully raise the money he would need for the training.

We have never met Guillermo or Matt, let alone been on the campus of Daytona State College, but through our jobs in the human resources department at Keynote, we were able to play a part in seeing this man indicate a decision to follow Christ.

Meet the Band– Stop On Green!

Mike along with (Keynote band) Stop On Green will be traveling to El Salvador March 26– April 3rd.  There they will partner with Bridges of Hope International to do
evangelistic outreach concerts alongside ex-gang members now in ministry.  Mike will serve at the band’s
Prayer Requests:
  • Health and protection of Baby Rebholz. 
  • Peace for Leslie while Mike is overseas, that God’s perfect Love casts out fear.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Capturing the Conference - Impact Conference 2010

Volume 6, Issue 1
Capturing the Conference - Impact Conference 2010

IMPACT ’10 Nehemiah 4:19-20
THE COME BACK to: Christ, Grace,
Serve, Celebrate

What better way to tell you about our recent ministry conference than through photos.   We had the opportunity to serve and be a part of the Impact biannual Conference that took place Dec. 25-Jan. 1st in Atlanta, Georgia.  Over 1,000 attendees.

Below:  Author and Speaker Pricilla Shirer (Tony Evans’ daughter) graced everyone with her presence and exhortation.

Pricilla Shierer

The Presentation Team behind stage

Left:  Mike served behind the scenes at the conference running ProPresentor and Media Shout (translation-anything what went up on the screens (song lyrics, photos, announcements…)

Mike training a member of the presentation team

Leslie and DeniseLeft: Leslie had the privilege of evaluating Denise’s application for IMPACT staff back in July and extending her an invitation of acceptance for her to join Impact staff.  We met in person at this years conference.  She has overseen the conf. bookstore for several IMPACT conferences.  She is making great progress in raising her support.

Kristen Betts (KB) at the DJ table

KB playing the guitar on stage

Above:  Leslie also had the privilege of evaluating KB’s application for IMPACT staff back in June and extending her an invitation of acceptance to join Impact Music staff  as a  DJ and  musician.

Students waiting for their audition
Right: The students awaiting their audition for Impact Summer Mission: emcees, vocalists, musicians, deejays, dancers.  There were over 70 who auditioned!

 Leslie videotaping an audition

Leslie videotaping an audition

Left: Leslie video taped all the auditions.

Rt.: LaDonna  (w/ her son) crossed paths with Leslie 4 yrs. ago (Impact 07) as she auditioned for Impact Music Summer Mission (and was accepted).  She continues to volunteer with Impact.

Lft.:  Leslie’s main role at the conference was the “timer”.  For every main session she kept time for the Program Director (standing next to her in photo) and let speakers know how much time they had remaining.  She LOVED her role– Front row seat too!

Left:  Day of Outreach students practiced sharing the 4 law booklet with others after seeing a skit “wrong vs. right way” of sharing your faith. 726 people hit the streets of Atlanta “put feet to our faith” -application of rebuilding the walls, actively worshiping God by sharing faith.

*Shared the passage (4 Spiritual Laws) with 290 people and 112 made decisions to start a relationship with Jesus
*Shared the Satisfied (Holy Spirit) booklet with  
75 people and prayed to receive the Holy Spirit.
*Prayed with 216 people
*217 people wanted to be followed up with
*215 wanted more information

Left: On New Year’s Eve we had some free time and used all our Coke Rewards  (yes, we are a Coke product family)  points for admission to the Coca-Cola Factory.  Mike tasted many varieties of soda from around the globe some of which he  dumped out after sipping it.

To see more photos from the conference, you can see a slideshow below:

{if you are unable to see the slide-show above, view it at: )