Saturday, May 08, 2010

Would YOU like to Know God Personally?

Volume 5, Issue 4
Would YOU like to Know God Personally

One of the tools Campus Crusade uses for evangelism in a little wallet size booklet
called “Would you like to Know God Personally? This small but powerful statement can have different implications for someone who does not Know God Personally (unbeliever) and for one who does have a personally relationship with God through Jesus Christ (Christian, follower of Jesus Christ, believer). In a recent Human Resources (HR) team meeting, we vibrantly discussed honing in on what does it mean even for the believer to Know God Personally. What challenges do we face? What hinders us from growing in our relationship with God? This conversation got our juices flowing for helping our staff to be spiritually equipped in their ministry roles. What keeps a believer in Jesus going, living beyond the mundane to “walking spirit-filled” as they go about their work? The source of strength, inspiration, hope, and perseverance is found only in our Lord. Therefore, on-going depth of knowing God personally, is essential for fruitfulness in ministry as for every day life. Our HR team has that privilege and task to assist our staff in that process of staff development (spiritually, professionally, personally). It’s not just about beginning a personal relationship with God it is also sustaining it. By growing our staff we will multiply others more effectively. Thus encouraging, equipping and empowering people to be all that God wants them to be. Campus Crusade values growth: “Growth means that we are pursing life change in ourselves, continuing to learn and mature…This value not only refers to individual growth but also to our organization as a whole.” Thank you for valuing what we do in our ministry. You make it possible for us to equip, train, and raise up our staff to be most effective in reaching lives for Christ with the Gospel.

A visual aid we used at the Day of Prayer where we placed prayer requests that we are -extremely-Depending on God for (the day’s theme).

New Role for Mike
Just about a month ago, Mike was asked to consider taking on a leadership role within the Human Resources department. He has since accepted and taken on the role of associate director. This includes oversight of the HR team members and helping to plan for the future of the department.


  • Praise: The Campus Crusade World Wide Day of Prayer held at Keynote went well. Thanks for your prayers!
  • Pray for Mike as he continues to learn his new role. Pray for wisdom and discernment.
  • Pray for our upcoming intern training (June 6-19th) as well as our Summer Project.
Mike and Leslie were ecstatic Butler made it all the way to the championship Basketball Game. They were on campus for both the games as Butler is Leslie’s Alma-mater.