Volume 5, Issue 3
Resourcing, Caring for & Developing our staff
We are both excited to be serving in the Human Resources (HR) Department at Keynote. Recently someone relayed how “most people think of HR in the secular world as firing and hiring.” However in ministry, our HR department is about stewardship, shepherding, and shaping culture (an atmosphere of walking together humbly before God, with mercy and justice as our standards). It is truly a delight to meet the needs of God’s people who are called to serve Him within our movement. We get excited about equipping and pouring into our staff to then have them turn around and pour out to others — somewhat of a spiritual multiplication effect. We must keep in mind that everything we do is with the mission in mind.
We want you to know how much we are challenged and blessed in our roles at Keynote. It often gets overlooked the need for Christ to continue to work in the lives of believers. Just as believers in Jesus Christ aid or cause people to think about the Gospel we too need equipping, training and spiritual care.
Mike has been continuing in his coaching role where he oversees new staff as they are raising their initial support. He’s been knee deep in analyzing how effective the new staff are in raising their support as well as the average time it takes them to report to their assignment. He’s taken note of patterns and proposing ways we can enhance and improve the process.
Leslie has recently started reviewing potential new intern and staff applications. She is humbled as she learns people’s stories. God has a story to tell through each of our lives regardless of what job we have, where we live, or what we do! He wants our lives to testify to who He is (His goodness, His character, His grace, His unfailing love…). In addition, she is a community leader for a sister ministry (GMO), where she oversees about a dozen other online missionaries who respond to people who write in after going to websites with the Gospel message. Who thought sharing the Gospel and resourcing others through email and the internet could be so exciting?
Check out Keynote on the Web:
- We would keep Christ our First love.
- Patience as we adjust to our new roles/ recent changes in our roles.
- Wisdom and Discernment for HR in developing a new plan to Spiritually build our staff.
- Wisdom and Creativity for Leslie and the team planning the upcoming Indy Campus Crusade World Wide Day of Prayer held at Keynote in April.
There are two things we are called to do: we are to depend on His strength and be obedient to His Word. If we can’t handle being depending and obedient...we will never become the kind of people who have a heart for God.
-Stuart Briscoe