As an added bonus to the photos from our newsletter, we are posting the photos that couldn't fit on the page.
These are from our US Staff Conference in Colorado
Mike and Leslie enjoying the view at the top of Horsetooth Mountain after they hiked up there.These are from our US Staff Conference in Colorado
Mike's old Student Venture Staff friends (Debi & Robin) pause for a photo with him.
Friends who are also a Campus Crusade staff couple meet for dinner with the Rebholz's. Both couples soon (mid August) to celebrate 3 years of marriage within 1 week of each other!
Mike's second home, the presentation desk, during the staff conference.
Staff who are new to Keynote as Mike was or is their support coach.
Leslie with friends (Rose and Omar) from her previous ministry with Life Builders.
Moby Gym filled with 5,000 stateside Campus Crusade staff for the conference.
This year's staff conference theme was "Connect".
One of Campus Crusade's national leaders addresses staff during the conference.
Keynote led worship for the staff conference.
Singing and signing language (far right) to our Lord.
A view of the stage from the upper section of Moby Gym.
Tenth Avenue North, a christian band, gave a concert.
Mike and Leslie taking a pose on a rock half way up the mountain on their hike.
Upclose to a deer during our hike.
Lecrea, a christian hip-hop artist, gave a concert which Mike. You may remember Mike ran lyrics for him during the Impact conference at Christmas time. Someone accepted Christ at that concert because of the lyrics.