Sunday, August 16, 2009

Photos from our Staff Conference in Colorado

As an added bonus to the photos from our newsletter, we are posting the photos that couldn't fit on the page.

These are from our US Staff Conference in Colorado

Mike and Leslie enjoying the view at the top of Horsetooth Mountain after they hiked up there.

Mike's old Student Venture Staff friends (Debi & Robin) pause for a photo with him.

Friends who are also a Campus Crusade staff couple meet for dinner with the Rebholz's. Both couples soon (mid August) to celebrate 3 years of marriage within 1 week of each other!
Mike's second home, the presentation desk, during the staff conference.

Staff who are new to Keynote as Mike was or is their support coach.
Leslie with friends (Rose and Omar) from her previous ministry with Life Builders.

Moby Gym filled with 5,000 stateside Campus Crusade staff for the conference.

This year's staff conference theme was "Connect".

One of Campus Crusade's national leaders addresses staff during the conference.

Keynote led worship for the staff conference.

Singing and signing language (far right) to our Lord.

A view of the stage from the upper section of Moby Gym.

Tenth Avenue North, a christian band, gave a concert.

Mike and Leslie taking a pose on a rock half way up the mountain on their hike.

Upclose to a deer during our hike.

Lecrea, a christian hip-hop artist, gave a concert which Mike. You may remember Mike ran lyrics for him during the Impact conference at Christmas time. Someone accepted Christ at that concert because of the lyrics.

Leslie and Mike get a moment together as Mike is working the sessions during the conference.

A stop at a store in Estes Park with a furry friend, a moose.

Mike and Leslie spent an evening with her brother John and his girlfriend, Marcy.

Powerful worship times during the staff conference.

Thomas, Liz and Leslie stop at Keynote's booth during the Ministry fair.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Good & Plenty

Volume 4, Issue 8
Good & Plenty

The name of the candy may come to mind (one Leslie’s favorites too) but that is how we’d describe our recent staff conference we just returned from in July. Our biennial Campus Crusade for Christ staff conference is held on the campus of Colorado State University where 5,000 US based staff meet.

Here are snapshots of the “good and plenty” for our 2 weeks working, serving and participating.
Good …
  • Time connecting with old staff friends (previous people we each have served alongside during our staff life/career)
  • Change of scenery for two weeks (from the day to day grind)
  • To be refreshed spiritually hearing from top notch pastor/speakers during our main sessions (Dr. Tim Keller- called a “C.S. Lewis for the 21st century”, Pastor Keith Battle, Larry Crabb, Tim Muehlhoff, Doug Pollock)
  • Renewed vision for ministry (reaching, winning others for Christ, building…)
  • Hearing from our ministry leaders and the future direction
  • Hearing updates of what God is doing in and through other CCC ministries around the world.
  • New ideas for how to create space to do evangelism and creativity in using our home for effective ministry.
  • Connection time for Keynote as a ministry family.
  • To hear how God is using technology to spread the gospel
  • To be challenged: Do I salute the righteousness of God in others?
    • Do I salute God’s presence? What do I boast in? Do I see with eyes of
      faith? What (which freedom) am I an abuser of ? Do I see
      the pearls/ blessings inside the painful thing
  • Reminders: The Gospel gives you a mission, message, method,
    • Every man/woman in relationship with Christ is to be missional. (Eph
      2.- We are God’s workmanship.)
    • Gospel is “good news” NOT “good advice.”
    • A historical event that happens whether or not people believe.
    • We grow from adversity. Instead of asking “Why?” say “What does God want me to learn from this?”


  • Of opportunities to serve/work (Mike- tech team, Leslie- Keynote product booth, encouragement team)
  • Of time outdoors in God’s creation (thanking him for)- taking in the greenery, Mountains, wildlife…
  • Walking around on the college campus to get to places
  • Of food choices in the dorm cafeteria
  • Seminars to choose from (so many that we couldn’t make it to them all so we downloaded them to listen to later)
  • Of times riding up and down the 10 floors of the elevator to our dorm room daily. :-)
  • Of Short nights rest for Mike. :-)
  • Of new information: Communication Climates (ex: strategy vs. spontaneity)
  • Of mind blowing statistics regarding today’s youth culture: according to
    • Josh McDowell’s research (apologist) Kid’s don’t process/think the same way their parents or grandparents do. Truth has different meaning to youth today. Tolerance is the number one virtue more than freedom. Ages 35+ Truth is discovered. Below age 35 all truth is created (no external proof), If a child doesn’t accept Christ by age 12 , there’s a 4% chance afterward you’ll reach them.

Prayer Requests:
  • Praise for the refreshing time at our staff conference in July.
  • Pray for God’s wisdom and provision
God wants to save people and then use people to help save others.- Keith Battle.
The ultimate in Salvation is the applause of God. –C.S. Lewis

SONG lyrics: He’s Able

God is able to do what He said He’d do. Don’t give up on God because He won’t give up on you. He’s able, He’s able.

Thank you dear friend for entrusting us, believing in us, supporting us, encouraging us, praying for us, sending us….We are grateful for how you invest in His Kingdom Work!