Volume 4, Issue 3
A Band’s Testimony
Greetings –
My name is Scott Naylor, and I direct one of Keynote’s outreach bands. This month, I have asked to hijack Mike and Leslie’s update letter. I did that because I wanted to share why I am so glad they are part of Keynote. Chances are, you have more history with them than I do, so some of this may not be news. Regardless, I really wanted to share why it is so important that they are here.
Mike agreed and did a great job. But what was meaningful is not what he did, but how he did it. He understands the technical production side of things better than I do, so he knew (but of course, didn’t say, or care…) that what I was asking would take much more work than I realized when I asked. To him, it didn’t matter - he was all-in from the start. He showed up early, set aside time to get things set up and tested ahead of time (he’s a thorough, systems sort of guy) and was there helping through the whole event. When it came time to tear it all down and put it away a day or so later, he was there as well and did it all joyfully.
He did an amazing job start-to-finish. But the bigger blessing was the servant-heartedness with which he did it. That’s just one story, but I have worked with him long enough to know that he approaches his work in HR (and pretty much everything) that way. Not all of the roles within Keynote get camera time or stage time, but it is of vital importance that we have called, passionate, talented people doing those jobs. As someone on the front lines, I cannot direct a band and be strategic and successful in our outreaches without Mike and Leslie (and others like them) ‘behind the scenes’.
It is my prayer that you rest confidently in the fact that your prayers and sacrifices to keep Mike and Leslie at Keynote are producing meaningful and eternal results. Thanks for being part of their team!
Blessings, Scott Naylor, Director -blue sky nine
- Pray for Keynote’s band Giants of Silence who are on tour in Germany.
- Pray for the training of 23 Korean’s at Keynote’s offices April 20-23.
- Pray that Mike and Leslie would continue to keep Christ their first love.
The unthankful heart discovers no mercies, but the thankful heart finds, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.
- Henry Ward Beecher