Volume 3, Issue 7
As we head to New Zealand for evangelistic outreaches, we wanted to give you a little more detail about our trip as well as a prayer calendar (see back side). We would greatly appreciate your prayers for us on this trip.
Currently, the college ministry of Campus Crusade in New Zealand (called Student Life) is having a student conference that pulls together all of their collegiate ministries throughout the country. The band from our team is leading that conference in worship. We can only imagine how God is preparing the hearts of those students for the outreaches that will be coming to their campuses in the coming weeks.
Our band, which we have named “The Queues”, will be going to the various college campuses and doing evangelistic concerts. We are praying that God will use the students who are currently at the conference to be the backbone of inviting their non-believing friends to the concerts when our band comes to their campus.
There are many details we don’t know yet and would love for you to pray that our team remains flexible. We are walking into winter in New Zealand and while by Midwest US standards it would probably be considered mild, it will likely be a bit of a shock to our systems so please pray that we can adjust to the weather.
The sound equipment is another source of prayer. Mike will potentially have his hands full in learning the sound equipment on the fly as the gear is being provided in country from a variety of sources. Each of the two islands that make up New Zealand are assembling a sound system for our band to use when we are on each island. So the sound gear will change. Pray that the gear will be intuitive for Mike to be able to manage and troubleshoot as need be.
Leslie will in a sense be the team reporter. It will be her job to take pictures and video as well as communicate stories back to the rest of the Keynote staff during the trip. The photos and videos could be used for some time to capture through images what it is that Keynote does when it is serving abroad.
Thank you to those of you who are partnering with us for this trip through your ongoing financial support, your special gifts for the expenses of this trip, and your prayers. We could not do this without you.
Please see our prayer calendar below. You may click on it to see it in large format or to download to your machine.
Christianity, in its purest form, is nothing more than seeing Jesus, Christian service, in its purest form is nothing more than imitating him who we see. To see his Majesty and to imitate him…that is the sum of
Christianity. –Max Lucado