Saturday, June 07, 2008

Pursuit of Preparation

Volume 3, Issue 6

When going on a trip you need to pack
When pregnant you plan for the baby
When in the midst of a tornado you take shelter
When in school you study for exams
When looking for a job you create a resume
In the army you train for the battle field
An athlete endures rigorous practices for the Olympics

What about preparing for worship service or spiritually for the day ahead of you? Leslie’s recent pondering has been how well do we prepare for spiritual things as we do for “life” in general. It’s so easy to be BUSY- keep our time occupied. But what about being still, meditating, dwelling…

In the last month at Keynote we have been gearing up for Summer Project. Working behind the scenes has been humbling. There is so much that needs to take place so that our students get the proper training, our staff is equipped for various needs and demands of leading students. (Booking concerts for 6 band tours, housing for 60 students, class schedule, rehearsal schedule, meal planning, materials and supplies) The Lord has used this opportunity to remind me I am serving others through these minuscule tasks I’m assigned. It’s not just about getting things done but my attitude and heart. Where is my focus?: On Christ, being a servant or just doing like a robot. God cares about my heart.

In my recent quiet times with the Lord, He has shown me through devotionals and prayer times just how vital preparing my heart is. Years ago I lacked stillness in my life. I was a busy body, perhaps lacking balance in my life. I am grateful for how He has taught me to just rest in His presence and meditate on His word, “lay and pray”. Busyness for God can distract one from knowing Jesus and from feeling as though we must prove our love for God by doing great things for Him. Allowing His presence to saturate my thoughts all day long regardless of what I am doing. Like in the story of Mary and Martha -found in Luke 10:38-42- Jesus points out it’s not so much about doing as it is the condition of ones heart. The two women were faced with the same choice- to work or to worship. (There is a book I highly recommend called Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World By Joanna Weaver.) In her book, she writes “While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship…God whispers, Be still and Know that I am God.” That is one of my favorite scriptures (Ps. 46:10)!

The lyrics to this song capture it well.
In the secret in the quiet place
In the stillness You are there
In the secret In the quiet hour
I wait only for You
‘Cause I want to know you more
I want to know You
I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more
I want to touch You
I want to see Your face
I want to know You more
In the Secret: words & music by Andy Park

Oh, there is so much more I want to write on this topic of stillness/ spending time with the Lord…

There are two things we are called to do: we are to
depend on His strength and be obedient to His Word. If we can’t handle being dependent and obedient…we will never
become the kind of people who have a heart for God.
-Stuart Briscoe

We have just recently moved. If you need our new address, please e-mail us at and request that we send it to you.