Thursday, April 03, 2008

"blue sky nine" in Egypt

Volume 3, Issue 4
“blue sky nine” in Egypt

There is a definite need all over the world for students to experience the truth of God's immeasurable love for them. Here are some stories from blue sky nine’s recent trip to Egypt where they partnered with a local ministry (we mention this in our last newsletter). Many of the one-on-one conversations that took place were in Arabic between the ministry workers and the students. Let us share with you how the Lord worked.

I [Holly, vocalist] met a girl here in Alexandria, Egypt named *Beth. She's a 17-year old college freshman. She came up to me after our show last Saturday and told me..."my relationship with my family is good, but not my relationship with my God. When I hear you talk today about God's love, I do not think I know about this. I want to know what God's love is in my life. I thought about drinking or trying drugs to make me happy, even though I know those things will not make me happy inside. After today, I decided I do not want to try those things. I want only God to make me happy.” Beth is just one of the reasons God sent us to Egypt. God wanted her to hear that He loves her and will keep her feet from stumbling.

For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.” (Psalm 56:13)

The concert was in THE Library in Alexandria in a palace of a 19th century prince, which is a modern-day marvel itself . It's now a center for the arts. About 150 attended, and one neat thing was when we were leaving we saw an Christian couple witnessing to a Muslim woman. At one concert, Scott [electric guitar player] had shared his story and the gospel. He had shared that the results of being independent and self-directed were the things that had revealed his need for a relationship with God through Christ. After the show, he talked with *David. David shared about his struggles with doing things on his own as well. Retaining control of his life was ‘his castle’, as he put it.

Scott shared with him – I still struggle with that, too. It is only through God’s Spirit working in me that I can even come close. It’s a daily effort to surrender to him and yield to His will instead of my own.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:12-13)

One day during lunch, we spoke with a ministry leader for Egypt, after all of our concerts were finished.
He told us how God had stretched their staff’s faith through our work. He told us what a blessing we had been to their staff and how successful the outreaches had been (with all sorts of audiences).

And he told us that their staff were encouraged and excited about how our work had shown them a new, different and relevant way to draw people towards God.
“It is a new day for our ministry”, he told us.


*PLEASE NOTE– names were changed for anonymity.

Prayer Requests:

  • The planning and details of Summer Project as it is two months away.
  • Pray for the bands as they continue on tour throughout the US.

The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.
-Warren W. Wiersbe