Thursday, November 22, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Wonders of Worship
Volume 2, Issue 11
Wonders of Worship
Worship, that word I (Leslie) associate with Sunday church service/hymns/Christian music. Recently, through a book I’m reading, God has given me new perspective on this spiritual discipline. It goes beyond singing hymns in Church on Sunday or listening to my Christian Music on my CD player when I workout. Worship is not just an “act” or duty. Worship is a form or hospitality like God is the Guest of Honor (at church, in my life, my thoughts, my circumstances). In Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, the author, Donald Whitney, writes: “To worship God is to ascribe the proper worth to God, to magnify His worthiness of Praise, or better, to approach and address God as He is worthy…He is worthy of all the worth and honor we can give Him and then infinitely more.” Simply put, worship is focusing on and responding to God. How revolutionary to think I am to worship God not just during Sunday church service but every day in my life. Through the mundane, routine, seasons of life: good, struggles, wilderness. In other words, the manner in which all things done in obedience to the Lord, the everyday, are acts for worship. Worship includes the focus on mind and heart not just words and actions. Are my thoughts preoccupied with God, thinking of Him? Scripture says in Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord!” “People become like their focus. We emulate what we think about.” I am learning that when I find myself in situations I don’t like I must ask myself “Where is my focus?” Is it in the mud (what I see, feel, or what the culture says is true) or the stars (hope in Jesus, the truths of the Bible)? I choose to respond by worshiping God.
A.W. Tozer “If you will not worship God seven days a week, you do not worship Him on one day a week.”
(At right: Mike and Leslie had a fun evening serving at their church’s fall festival. Can you guess what they’re dress as?)
A hardship turned testimony
Laura, the lead singer for Blue Sky Nine this last season, shares her tragedy from stage. September marks one year ago that her dad age 52 died suddenly of heart failure. God is using Laura’s story, talking about her grief and her dad in a powerful way to relate her faith to others.
Prayer Requests:
God would give us grace and strength to walk through the months ahead as we raise support
Giants of Silence India tour Highlights
21 concerts in 25 days
10,000 people exposed to the gospel
15 shows with comment cards indicating 800 people accepted Christ!
Worship God A-Z
New life
One and Only God
Quintessential Deity
Ultimate sacrifice
Yield to
“… sermons last only an hour or two; your life preaches all week.” -Robert Murray McCheyne