Volume 2, Issue 10
Partnerships Part 2
Partnering with strategic ministries to communicate God’s love through music and the performing arts.- is Keynote’s Vision statement. Keynote is one small part of the global movement called Campus Crusade for Christ. Reaching students is only one part of who we are and what God is doing. We thought we’d give you a bigger picture of the ministry by sharing a few snapshots of Keynote’s partnerships.
Locally: In our Neighborhood
On Thursday, Sept. 20 Keynote and IMMI (Indiana Mills Manufacturing Inc.) co-hosted the Westfield Chamber of Commerce for their annual business showcase luncheon. At least 25 local businesses had display tables set up in our (Keynote & IMMI) new building, called East Street Studio. Keynote’s very own, David Pendleton performed his ventriloquist act and Dr. Steve Douglass- Campus Crusade President- was the featured speaker. What an amazing opportunity to have members of the community not only attend an event in our new facility, but to also hear from our president. We praise God for this opportunity as we have begun to establish relationships within our community.
Internationally: A Central Asian Republic
Recently four of our staff returned from a trip to a central Asian republic. Over a year ago we sent two of them over with a truckload of equipment to install a recording studio to be used by the ministry their. This time the team provided recording studio training/sound engineering, and Keynote core (level 1) training (including communication drills). The studio is already being used 12 hours a day and there are three guys who already know how to use the equipment. The studio has already served as a tremendous resource to Christian musicians in the region and it has become an effective outreach tool to connect with influential unchurched/Muslim musicians in that country. The studio and staff now have relationships with about a third of all the musicians in their country and everyone who comes to their studio hears the Gospel first!
(Above: Keynote team while in country. Below: Chris and Dave giving instructions in the control room of the studio.)
(Above: Inside the recording studio. Below: Ed teaching a class with the help of an interpreter)
Prayer Requests:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Partnerships Part 2
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Buses for Sale!!!
Keynote is selling two buses. These buses are currently being used for touring bands, and are well-maintained. They are ideal for bands, or other traveling, performing groups, as well as churches and other groups looking to send out small groups on either short-term trips, or long-term trips.
I have driven and toured in both of these buses and can say that it is one of the best ways to travel for tour.
For further information about these MCI buses, please visit: