Volume 2 - Issue 2
As I sat down in Jennifer’s chair she immediately picked up the book I had laid on the counter which I brought with me– in case I had to wait. It was a book by one of my favorite Christian authors– Beth Moore. She then energetically asked if it was good, and then shared how she loved to read books.
This open door led us into a comfortable conversation. Jennifer shared how she had two young toddler boys (3, 5), she lived on the East side of town in an apartment. She met the father of her kids 10 years ago at the age of 15 and stood by him even when he was in jail. I shared about my family and what I do. Miraculously, she began to open up and share how she’d been searching. Jennifer knows there is more to life than what she is presently experiencing. As we continued to talk she shared how she grew up going to church yet had fallen away. Her mother and her stepfather were divorced.
I inquired if she was presently attending a church, she was sincerely desiring to but at times falls prey to sleeping in on her only day off. When she does go to church, Jennifer expressed how she senses people looking at her and question “What are you doing here?” I was encouraged to hear that she had been opening her Bible to read a passage of scripture frequently. In her heart of hearts Jennifer desires MORE, a hope beyond her present circumstances (to get married, have a steady income, a job she enjoys.) Upon my departure I encouraged her to continue to seek God and what HE wants for her life. The hard part is I can’t do it for her. Jennifer is searching for Truth. Will you pray with me that she comes to know Christ personally and choose the abundant life HE has for her and that she’ll read the books Mike and I sent to her?
We are Passionate People
A Valentine for your soul.
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosever
Believeth In Him Should
Not Perish,
But have Everlasting life.
-John 3:16
Pray for the Keynote artists as they are all on various tours this new season.
Pray the Lord would give us stamina as we continue to raise support as a couple.
Pray our lives would be a daily outpouring of God’s love.