Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Leslie and I want to wish you a "Merry Christmas"!!! This is the day which we celebrate God sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth. His life was lived in perfection and then He sacrificially gave Himself to pay the punishment for our sins (the things that separate us from God). We want to invite you to read how to have a personal relationship with God by visiting this website:

This website is from another of Campus Crusade's ministries.

Friday, December 15, 2006

CBS Evening News Segment about Campus Crusade

Watch CBS Evening News Segment About Campus Crusade

Watch It or Read The Transcript

CBS News called the seriesWired for Faith. It aired Thursday, December 14 at 6:30 p.m. EST.

The two-minute segment was titled "Praying Not Partying."Watch the video on the right side of the screen or read the transcript in the main column.

Also, you can watch staff member Tony Arnold's interview with Kelly Cobiella, the correspondent. Watch the seven-minute Web-only video interview.

The Back Story

A CBS film crew shot video at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The crew was on site for a story about the increased spiritual interest of college students and their involvement with Christian groups.

CBS shot the entire University of Wisconsin weekly meeting with footage of students streaming in. They also filmed an entire freshmen girls' dorm Bible study.

Two students were interviewed sharing how they left the party scene when their lives were changed by Jesus. Now they are leading Bible studies.

(Information courtesy of the Campus Crusade Staff Web)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Greeting

Volume 1, Issue 4 - instead of a traditional newsletter, we wrote a Christmas greeting.
Joy is simply looking at its treasures. A Christian’s joy is in loving Christ and loving other people because Christ loves them; it is in doing good to others, and so having a Christmas perpetually.

It is in looking forward to that world of glory where we shall be like Him, and shall see Him as He is. “Where I am,” is a sweet assurance, “ye shall be also.” Jesus offers to fill our homes and our hearts with joy, if we will only let Him do it.
(God’s Little Christmas Book, pg. 138)

(In our mailed version of our newsletter, we also included our photo prayer card. We are including it here.)

If you would like a high resolution copy to download of this image, you may find it here:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

FamilyLife writes article about Keynote staff woman

FamilyLife writes article about Keynote staff woman - Julie Boyd
Julie Boyd and her husband Bruce have been with Keynote for a number of years. They speak at FamilyLife Marriage Conferences as well as touring with their boys as the Boyd Family Band with Keynote.

The article focuses upon Julie's life growing up, her marriage, and her ministry. It can be read on the FamilyLife website at: The Family She Never Had -