Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Journey: Marriage & Ministry

Volume 1, Issue 1
New Journey: Marriage & Ministry

Hello everyone! Mike and I (Leslie) are excited to greet you with this first official newsletter since our marriage on August 19th, 2006.

Lots of changes: newsletter title/heading, our address, Leslie’s new email address. One important thing is to begin using the account number of 0480713 for donations to our ministry.

Let’s see ahhh yes back to reality after the honeymoon. We are excited about what God is going to do in and through us not just as a couple but in Keynote as well. What are we up to these days you wonder? Mike and I have begun to work on raising support together full-time. Well, he has had his eyes glued to the computer (those who know him as a tech) as he’s updating and combining our ministry administrative files. I prefer the area of communication (newsletters, thank-yous, phone calls) We both have a lot of work ahead of us: trainings, contacts to make, and support to raise.

Already, I‘ve seen God at work in us challenging each other. The excitement of being a bride, newly betrothed. And to imagine this is only a glimpse of how Christ sees us! The principal of dieing to self has really been my focus these last few weeks. Galatians 2:20 reads: I myself no longer live but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. The Lord has called me to be a wife, minister to my husband (I’m still getting used to calling him that.) in addition to my passion to help others know their identity in Christ and spiritually equip others. Have you too evaluated how well you are doing (serving, giving, loving, forgiving…)?

God has Mike and I on this journey in marriage and ministry which is beyond imagination or words of what I dreamed. What a privilege to serve side by side in unity. AND you prayerful, faithful, generous friends and supporters are journeying with us! Mike and I praise God as He is going to reward you with blessings in Heaven. We would not be here– FULL TIME ministry without YOU. Thank you for believing in us and what God has called us to.

Mike’s Tid Bits:
It is a real privilege to be writing to everyone from both of our lists. Leslie and I are figuring out this whole married thing one day at a time. It is really a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work too. Leslie and I look forward to being able to meet many of you face-to-face as we seek to bring everyone up to speed on what is happening with us.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for us (Mike & Leslie) as we are adjusting to married life. (establishing routines/ habits, being together 24-7,)

  • Pray that we would effectively communicate our passion, vision, and heart for ministry as we meet with potential contacts.

Our new address
Mike & Leslie Rebholz
2015 Ashley Wood Dr. Apt D
Westfield, IN 46074
If you support Leslie PLEASE start using the new account # 0480713.

A snapshot from the honeymoon.

Us with our marriage mentor couple.

Mike and Leslie hangin with their new amigos they met on the honeymoon.